Fast recovery with non-invasive precision procedures using ultrasound
The HIFU procedure focuses high-intensity ultrasound energy, which is harmless to the human body, to target only...
Recover quickly and get back to your life with incisionless hifu...
Uterine fibroids are growths in the smooth muscle that makes up the majority of the uterus...
Preserve your precious womb...
Radiofrequency ablation of uterine fibroids involves inserting a needle that generates high-frequency radio waves into the center of the fibroids or adenomyosis, and the radiofrequency waves coming out of the tip of the needle...
Enlarging Uterus Recovers Quickly with Haifu Treatment
Adenomyosis is a condition in which tissue from the endometrial layer, the innermost layer of the uterus, invades the muscle layer of the uterus.
I'm not on my period yet.
Irregular bleeding is abnormal or excessive bleeding that occurs outside of a normal menstrual period.
The cause of that is very...