A revolution in skin lifting, laser rejuvenation!
Laser lifting is the application of radiofrequency or laser energy to the skin's...
Beauty that penetrates the skin
A skin booster is a type of "skin nutrient" that provides rich moisture to the skin, helps the skin regenerate, and...
Class 2 medical devices that can be claimed for actual loss
While conventional skincare is a cosmetic approach centered on hands-on techniques such as simple moisturizing and massage, medical skincare is...
A wrinkle-free smile with a 10-minute treatment that lasts...
The word 'Botox' is the brand name of an injectable made from the substance 'botulinum toxin'. Originally used to treat muscle spasms, it was...
Skin Volume Up Confidence Up
As we age, our faces lose collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, and fat, causing volume loss and wrinkles...